§ 11.30. Reduction of force; reinstatement.  

Latest version.
  • If any sworn position in the police or fire department is vacated or abolished by action of the city council:


    The Sworn Employee with the least seniority holding the position shall be demoted to the position next below the position vacated or abolished. For purposes of this section, seniority means years of service in the rank since the employee was most recently promoted. An employee that is demoted will be placed at the level of seniority the Sworn Employee would have held if the promotion had not taken place.


    If no vacancy exists in the next lower classification, the Sworn Employee with the least seniority in that classification shall be demoted to the next lower classification, if any. The process of demoting the least senior Sworn Employee in each classification to the next lower classification shall continue until the demoted Sworn Employee shall fill an existing vacancy in the lower classification or until the lowest classification is reached. If no vacancies exist in the lowest classification or positions in the lowest classification are abolished, the Sworn Employee with the least seniority in the lowest classification shall be indefinitely suspended.


    All Sworn Employees demoted or indefinitely suspended under provisions of this section shall be placed on reinstatement lists in order of their seniority as provided herein. Appointments and promotions shall be made from the reinstatement lists before they are made from the eligibility lists or by other selection procedures. Sworn Employees shall remain on the reinstatement list for not longer than three (3) years.

(Ord. of 11-17-08)