§ 11.01. System established.
§ 11.02. Definitions.
§ 11.03. Civil service commission—Establishment, members.
§ 11.04. Same—Organization.
§ 11.05. Same—Powers.
§ 11.06. Same—Policies.
§ 11.07. Same—Appointment, etc., of director of civil service.
§ 11.08. Commission appeal procedure.
§ 11.09. Decisions and records.
§ 11.10. Appointment of department head for departments with sworn employees.
§ 11.11. Classification examination requirement.
§ 11.12. Reappointment after resignation.
§ 11.13. Probationary period.
§ 11.14. Temporary duties in a higher classification.
§ 11.15. Compensation.
§ 11.16. Entrance examination notice.
§ 11.17. Entrance examinations/eligibility lists.
§ 11.18. Procedures for filling beginning positions.
§ 11.19. Eligibility for promotional examination and promotion.
§ 11.20. Promotional examination notice.
§ 11.21. Promotional examination procedure.
§ 11.22. Promotional examination grades.
§ 11.23. Review and appeal of promotional examination.
§ 11.24. Alternate promotional system.
§ 11.25. Promotional eligibility lists/appointments.
§ 11.26. Disciplinary suspensions.
§ 11.27. Demotions.
§ 11.28. Indefinite suspensions.
§ 11.29. Appeal hearings.
§ 11.30. Reduction of force; reinstatement.
§ 11.31. Reinstatement to lower position for rank immediately below chief.
§ 11.32. Status of present employees.
§ 11.33. Appeal to the district court.
§ 11.34. Sick leave payout.
§ 11.35. Repeal and saving clause.
§ 11.36. Expanding provisions.

Editor's note— Former Article XI relative to Civil Service was repealed pursuant to the charter amendment set out by Ord. No. O-2008-016-01, § 2(Prop. No. 8), enacted August 25, 2008, and adopted by the voters on November 4, 2008.