§ 98-511. Calculation of impact fees.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Following a request for a building permit or tap purchase for new development, the city manager shall compute impact fees due for the new development in the following manner:


    The number of service units shall be determined by the category of service or as otherwise determined by the city manager as provided in subsection 98-508(b);


    The total service units shall be multiplied by the appropriate per-unit fee amount determined as set forth in section 98-509.


    The Fort Worth access fee shall be added to determine the total impact fee due.


    The total amount of each impact fee due for a new development shall not exceed the amounts shown in exhibit "D".


    Separate impact fees shall be calculated for water and sanitary sewer service.


    When a water service or sanitary sewer service is sized up to meet the demand of new development, the collected impact fee shall be the difference between the assessed fee for the new, larger sized water meter and the assessed fee for the size of the existing meter.

(Ord. No. O-2002-011-16, § 1, 3-26-02)