Haltom City |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 98. WATER AND SEWERS |
§ 98-502. Definitions.
As applied in this article, the following words and terms shall be used:
Assessment. The determination of the amount of the maximum impact fee per service unit which can be imposed on new development pursuant to this article.
Building permit. Written permission issued by the city for the construction, repair, alteration or addition to a structure. Written permission herein shall refer to either a building permit or to a plumbing permit which are associated with an increase of one or more service units.
Capital construction cost of service. Costs of constructing capital improvements or facility expansions, including and limited to the construction contract price, surveying and engineering fees, land acquisition costs (including land purchases, court awards and costs, attorneys fees, and expert witness fees), and the fees actually paid or contracted to be paid to an independent qualified engineer or financial consultant preparing or updating the impact fee study who is not an employee of the city.
Capital improvements advisory committee (advisory committee). Advisory committee, appointed by the city council, consisting of at least five members, not less than 40 percent of which shall be representatives of the real estate, development, or building industries which are not employees of the city, and, if impact fees are to be applied within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city, including one member representing the extraterritorial jurisdiction; or consisting of the planning and zoning commission, including one regular or ad hoc member who is not an employee of the city and which is representative of the real estate, development, or building industry.
Capital improvement plans (CIP). Plans adopted in section 98-507 which identify sanitary sewer collection and treatment and water supply, pump and storage facilities capital improvements or facility expansions pursuant to which impact fees may be assessed. The capital improvement plans are composed of a separate sanitary sewer capital improvement plan and water capital improvement plan.
City. City of Haltom City.
City council (council). Governing body of the City of Haltom City.
City manager. City Manager of the City of Haltom City, or his designee.
Commercial development. All development which is neither residential nor industrial.
Comprehensive plan (master plan). The comprehensive long-range plan, adopted by the city council, which is intended to guide the growth and development of the city, which may include analyses, recommendations and proposals for the city regarding such topics as population, economy, housing, transportation, community facilities and land use.
Credit. The amount of the reduction of an impact fee for fees, payments or charges for the same type of capital improvements for which the fee has been assessed.
Existing development. All development within the service area which has a water or sanitary sewer tap on the city's water or sanitary sewer system as of the date of the adoption of this article.
Facility expansion. The expansion of the capacity of an existing facility which serves the same function as an otherwise necessary new capital improvement in order that the existing facility may serve new development. Facility expansion does not include the repair, maintenance, or modernization of an existing facility to better serve existing development.
Final plat. The map, drawing or chart meeting the requirements of the city's subdivision ordinance on which is provided a subdivider's plan of a subdivision, and which has received final approval by the planning and zoning commission or city council and which is recorded with the office of the county clerk.
Fort Worth access fee. The fee imposed upon the City of Haltom City by the City of Fort Worth for providing water and/or sanitary sewer service to new development contained within the incorporated city limits and to which service is provided either directly or indirectly by the City of Fort Worth water and/or sanitary sewer system(s).
Impact fee. Fee to be imposed upon new development, calculated based upon the costs of facilities in proportion to development creating the need for such facilities. Impact fees do not include dedication of rights-of-way or easements, or construction or dedication of on-site or off-site water distribution or sanitary sewer collection facilities required by other ordinances of the city and necessitated by and attributable to the new development; lot or acreage fees placed in trust funds for the purpose of reimbursing developers for oversizing or constructing water or sanitary sewer mains or lines; or other pro rata fees for reimbursement of water or sanitary sewer mains or lines extended by the city.
Industrial development. Development which will be assigned to the industrial customer class of the water or sanitary sewer utilities; generally development in which goods are manufactured, or development which is ancillary to such manufacturing activity.
Land use assumptions. Description of the service area and projections of changes in land uses, densities, intensities, and population therein over at least a 10-year period, adopted by the city council, as may be amended from time to time, upon which the capital improvement plans are based.
New development. Subdivision of land; or the construction, reconstruction, redevelopment, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, or enlargement of any structure; or any use or extension of the use of land; any of which increases the number of service units for water supply or sanitary sewer service. New development includes the sale of water taps resulting from the conversion of an individual well to the city's water utility and includes the sale of sanitary sewer taps resulting from the conversion of an individual septic or other individual waste disposal system to the city's sanitary sewer utility. New development also includes increasing the size of the water meter serving the property.
On-site facility. Improvement or facility which is for the primary use or benefit of a new development and/or which is for the primary purpose of safe and adequate provision of water or sanitary sewer facilities to serve the new development, and which is not included in the capital improvement plans, and for which the developer or property owner is solely responsible under subdivision and other applicable regulations.
Residential development. A lot developed for use and occupancy as a residence or residences, according to the city's zoning ordinance.
Sanitary sewer capital improvement plan. Portion of the capital improvement plans, as may be amended from time to time, which identifies the sanitary sewer facilities or sanitary sewer facility expansions and their associated costs which are necessitated by and which are attributable to new development, and for a period not to exceed ten years, and which are to be financed in whole or in part through the imposition of sanitary sewer impact fees pursuant to this article.
Sanitary sewer facility. Improvement for providing sanitary sewer collection or treatment, including, but not limited to, land or easements necessary for same.
Sanitary sewer facility expansion. Expansion of the capacity of any existing sanitary sewer facility for the purpose of serving new development, not including the repair, maintenance, modernization or expansion of an existing sanitary sewer facility to serve existing development.
Service area. The area of the city to be served by the capital improvements or facility expansions specified in the capital improvement plans. For purposes of this article, the service area shall be the corporate boundaries of the city.
Service unit. Standardized measure of consumption, use, generation, or discharge attributable to an individual unit of development calculated in accordance with generally accepted engineering or planning standards and based on historical data and trends applicable to the city during the previous ten years. In this article, a service unit is based on setting a ¾-inch water meter as the standard size meter for single family residential properties. American Water Works Association (AWWA) meter equivalency data are utilized to compare the demand that larger water meters place on the system to the demand that a standard ¾-inch meter places on the system. Meter equivalencies are also used to set sanitary sewer impact fee charges, because sanitary sewer return flow is directly related to the amount of water used by each customer. The service units utilized in this article are set forth in exhibit "A" attached hereto [to Ordinance No. O-2002-011-16] and incorporated herein.
System-related facility. A capital improvement or facility expansion which is designated in the capital improvement plans. A system-related facility may include a capital improvement, which is located offsite, within or on the perimeter of the development site.
Tap purchase. The filing with the city of a written application for water or sanitary sewer tap and the acceptance of applicable fees by the city. The term "tap purchase" shall not be applicable to a meter purchased for and exclusively dedicated to fire protection.
Water facility. Improvement for providing water supply service, including, but not limited to, pumping facilities, and storage facilities, and necessary land or easements.
Water capital improvement plan. Portion of the capital improvement plans, as may be amended from time to time, which identifies the water facilities or water facilities expansions and their associated costs which are necessitated by and which are attributable to new development, and for a period not to exceed ten years, and which are to be financed in whole or in part through the imposition of water impact fees pursuant to this article.
Water facility expansion. Expansion of the capacity of any existing water facility for the purpose of serving new development, not including the repair, maintenance, modernization or expansion of an existing water facility to serve existing development.
(Ord. No. O-2002-011-16, § 1, 3-26-02)