§ 10.09. Special provision covering damage suits.  

Latest version.
  • Before the city shall be liable for damages for personal injury of any kind or damage to property, the person who is injured or whose property is damaged, or someone in his behalf shall give the mayor or the city secretary notice in writing duly verified within ninety (90) days after the occurring of the alleged injury or damage, stating specifically in such notice when, where and how the injury or damage was sustained and setting forth the extent of the injury or damage and the amount of damages sustained, as accurately as possible, and giving the names and addresses of all witnesses and upon whose testimony such person is relying to establish the injury or damage. No action for damages shall be brought against the city for personal injury or damage to property prior to the expiration of sixty (60) days after the notice hereinbefore described has been filed with the mayor or the city secretary.

(Ord. of 11-17-08)