§ 10.01. Ordinances.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Every ordinance shall be introduced in written or printed form and shall take effect upon publication (when required by this charter) and final passage. The city secretary shall give notice of the passage of every ordinance imposing a penalty, fine or forfeiture for a violation of its provisions, by causing the caption or title and the penalty or forfeiture clause to be published in the official newspaper of the city at least once within ten (10) days after the first consideration of the ordinance. It shall be necessary to the validity of any ordinance that it shall be considered and adopted at two sessions of the city council, the sessions being at least five (5) days apart, except in the case of an emergency measure. An emergency measure is an ordinance or resolution for the immediate preservation of the public peace, property, health or safety. The city council shall, within its discretion, declare what measures are emergency measures, and any ordinance or resolution carrying an emergency clause shall be construed to be an emergency measure, which emergency shall be set forth and defined in the preamble or in the closing section of the ordinance.


    All ordinances of the city, published or compiled in book or pamphlet form by the city shall be presumed to have been adopted by and with the authority of the city, and shall be admitted as evidence in all courts, state and federal, without further proof beyond the production of the printed book or pamphlet; and provided, further, that copies of ordinances, resolutions, minutes and proceedings of the city council, or prior governing bodies of the city, certified by the city secretary to be true copies of the originals, with the seal of the city affixed thereon, shall also be admitted in evidence without further proof in all courts.


    Every ordinance shall be authenticated by the signature of the mayor and city secretary and shall be systematically recorded and indexed in an ordinance book in a manner approved by the council. The city council shall have power to cause the ordinances of the city to be codified and printed in code form, and such printed code, when adopted by the council, shall be in full force and effect without the necessity of publishing the same or any part thereof in a newspaper. Such printed code shall be admitted in evidence in all courts and places without further proof.

(Ord. of 11-17-08)