§ 98-380. Developer's responsibilities.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    In the event that a development proposal is submitted which will require the use of a public water and/or sanitary sewer system, and no such public system has yet been extended into the area where the proposed development is located, it will be the responsibility of the developer to comply with the terms and conditions of this article in order to ensure the immediate availability of service.


    It is, and shall remain, the responsibility of each individual developer to undertake those construction activities necessary to tie his or her development project into the water or sanitary sewer main serving that specific drainage basin or service area. Should a lift station and/or force main be required in order to utilize a proposed off-site service location, such lift station and/or force main shall be installed at the developer's cost. In order to promote economic development the city may participate in initial construction of a lift station and/or force main, provided that the city shares in pro rata reimbursement described in section 98-384.

(Ord. No. O-98-004-11, § 1(21-174), 1-26-98)