§ 98-247. Fee and display of permit.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The approving authority shall not issue a permit to an applicant until the appropriate established fee is paid. A person shall pay a fee as outlined in Appendix C, Fee Schedule. Each permit must be renewed annually.


    The approving authority shall number permits consecutively, and each permit holder shall cause to be displayed on each side of each vehicle in a color contrasting with the background in three-inch letters or larger the business name, TDH registration number and the following:

    XXX ____________

    The first three letters (XXX) shall represent the city issuing the permit. The blank space shall contain the permit number. The permit holder shall place business name, TDH registration number and the vehicle permit number on each vehicle before the vehicle is operated. The permit holder shall keep the permit receipt, or a copy, in the vehicle at all times.

(Code 1973, § 21-117; Ord. No. 1201, § 1-3, 10-18-84; Ord. No. 1411, 10-10-88; Ord. No. O-2014-033-01, § 5, 11-24-14)