§ 98-94. Connection permit—Application.  

Latest version.
  • No person shall have the right to connect any property with the sewer system of the city, and no connection with the sanitary sewer system of the city shall be made, until the owner of such property, or his agent duly authorized, shall first have made application for such connection, as herein provided, and shall have made the payments required and shall have received from the city water and sewer department a permit to do so, after having met the requirements herein specified to obtain such permit. The owner of any property desired to be connected with the sewer system of the city, or his duly authorized agent, shall first make an application in writing signed by such owner, or his agent, duly authorized in writing to sign such application for and in the name of the owner; said application in writing shall be filed with the director of the water and sewer department upon blanks to be furnished by the city. All applications shall contain the precise location of the property to be drained, shall state the sort of structure and the purpose for which same is used; shall give the name of the owner of the property, and the number and sort of plumbing fixtures to be contained within the private system or property to be drained; and shall state the name of the person employed to do the plumbing work contemplated to be done and connected with the sewer system. Such application shall further contain an agreement on the part of such applicant owner of the property sought to be connected and drained by the sewer system of the city that he will abide by and observe the regulations governing the use of the city sewer system, and that he will be responsible for the rental charges accruing up to the time that he gives actual notice, in writing, to the city of a change in ownership of said property, or to discontinue sewer service to such property. Permits shall authorize only such things requested in the application.

(Ord. No. 250, § 2, 8-27-59; Code 1973, § 21-53)