§ 98-112. Illegal acts—Miscellaneous.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be unlawful:


    To uncover the public sewer or branches thereof unless by consent and under the supervision of the officer in charge of the water and sewer department of the city.


    For the owner or occupant of any building, located on any lot reaching within 100 feet of any city sanitary sewer, in which food is cooked or clothing is washed, to fail to have a suitable sink, slop stone or hopper for the reception of water and connected with the city sewer system.


    To throw or allow to be thrown or deposited in a city manhole or upon the surface of the ground, or in any hole or vault in or under the surface of the ground or on any lot within 100 feet of any city sanitary sewer, any water which has been used for domestic or manufacturing purposes, or any liquid or any solid filth, feces or urine.


    To throw or deposit, or cause to be thrown or deposited in any vessel or receptacle connected with the city sewer system, any newspaper, garbage, hair, fruit, ashes, refuse, rags, cotton, cinders, or any other matter whatsoever, except feces, urine, the necessary closet paper and liquid slops and property garbage.


    To fail or refuse to connect with the sanitary sewer all washstands or slop stands in house or yard, where a city sanitary sewer is within 100 feet of the property line, or to allow any slops, wash or waste water of any kind, to flow over the pavement or under the pavement into the streets, alleys, or any adjoining lot or land which will create unsanitary conditions or public nuisance.

(Ord. No. 250, § 7, 8-27-59; Code 1973, § 21-71)