§ 98-61. Main extensions—Application.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any person desiring to construct or extend or make any extension to the city water system for the purpose of installing same in new additions or subdivisions, or for any other purpose whatsoever, in or outside and adjacent to the city limits, shall file an application with, and to secure a permit from, the director of the public works department authorizing said extensions and shall be required before receiving said permit to file with the officer in charge six copies of plans and specifications of the proposed extensions, and any subsequent changes thereto, and before any action is taken thereon, same will be submitted to the city consulting engineer and also to the chief engineer of the board of fire insurance commissioners at Austin, if necessary. Said application shall contain the provision that the applicant agrees that permission is thereby given to the agents of the city to inspect all the work during its progress as often as may be desired; and the applicant further shall agree that the plumbing work installed in all structures to be connected to such extensions shall comply with all applicable ordinances of the city and state laws, and that the extensions or lines being constructed within all easements therewith shall, after the completion thereof, be conveyed to the city without costs and reservations of any kind. All water mains and lines and sewerage mains and laterals must be constructed in accordance with the water and sewer specifications adopted by the city council. All water mains shall be made of cast iron. All mains, lines, fire hydrants and valves connected to the city's system shall become the property of the city following installation and acceptance thereof, and the city shall have full control, management and jurisdiction of such mains, lines, fire hydrants and valves. The city or its contracted parties shall have the right to receive all rents and revenues for water service provided through such mains or lines.


    All new extensions to the city water system, and appurtenances thereto, shall be inspected and approved by the officer in charge of the city water and sewer system and the consulting engineer of the city, or their duly authorized representatives, before backfilling any part thereof. Any person violating this provision is subject to the penalty provided for herein, and shall be compelled to uncover said extension or any part thereof, so that same may be fully inspected as provided herein.

(Ord. No. 251, § 25, 8-27-59; Code 1973, § 21-40; Ord. No. O-2018-010-01, § 11, 1-22-18)