§ 98-7. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • [When used in this article, the following words and terms, unless the context indicates a different meaning, shall be interpreted as follows:]

    Apartment. Structures consisting of five residential dwelling units or more with water service supplied by either one separate meter or with individual meters for each unit.

    Commercial. Any structure housing one or more businesses that consumes less than 20,000 gallons of water per meter, per month, based on an average of the highest three months in a 12-month period for which consumption history is available. The utility department will determine the classification of a business as commercial lacking consumption history for a particular location or business.

    Commercial sprinkler. Separately metered irrigation system typically co-located with a business account, but may exist separately.

    Credit Risk Accounts. Any water-service account that has exhibited payment characteristics that gives cause to the city to believe that a greater risk of non-collection of payment for services exists. Such characteristics shall include, but not be limited to, having been previously force finaled, receipt by the utility billing department of any insufficient fund check for a deposit, receipt by the utility billing department of an insufficient fund check twice during a 12-month period, or any instance of meter tampering. The classification of an account as a credit risk shall be based upon a recommendation by the utility billing department. Account holders may appeal this classification to the director level managing utility accounts within 30 days of a credit-risk charge billed to the holder's account.

    Fire hydrant meter. A water meter typically used by construction companies that consists of a meter connected directly to a fire hydrant.

    Hold Deposit Account. An account that is created in the utility billing record system, at the request of the account holder, to record a hold deposit received for the property. A hold deposit is used to preclude the need for completing and submitting a new account application if the property owner is absent from his residence for an extended period of time or if a rental property becomes vacant.

    Industrial. Any business that consumes greater than 20,000 gallons of water per month, based on an average of the highest three months in a 12-month period for which consumption history is available. The utility billing department supervisor will determine the classification of a business as industrial lacking consumption history for a particular location or business.

    Jumper. A device placed without the knowledge or consent of the city in place of or to circumvent the use of an authorized Haltom City water meter. A jumper may consist of an unauthorized meter.

    Letter of credit. A legal document used at the discretion of the city for apartment accounts in lieu of cash deposits. Only those letters of credit meeting the criteria set forth by the city's legal counsel as "irrevocable letters of credit" shall be accepted.

    Meter tampering. Any effort at modifying the water service provided by the city without the express prior authorization of a representative of the utility billing department. Such efforts include but are not limited to: unauthorized turning on of service, cutting or damaging a meter lock or other device placed by the city to prevent unauthorized water service or any other willful action described by section 98-50 of this chapter.

    Residential account. Structures consisting of four residential dwelling units or less with water service supplied by either one separate meter or with individual meters for each unit.

    Residential sprinkler. Separately metered irrigation system co-located with a residential account.

(Code 1973, § 21-5; Ord. No. O-95-011-13, § 1, 4-10-95; Ord. No. O-2003-013-03, § 2, 7-28-03; Ord. No. O-2018-010-01, § 2, 1-22-18)

Cross reference

Definitions generally, § 1-3.