§ 86-111. Height restrictions; interference with motorists, pedestrians.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be unlawful for any person owning, leasing, claiming, occupying, or having supervision or control of any real property, occupied or unoccupied, improved or unimproved, within the corporate limits of the city, to permit or allow trees or tree limbs to grow upon any such real property, or along the sidewalk or street adjacent to the same between the property line and the curb, or if there is no curb between the property line and the edge of the street, if any portion of the tree or tree limbs are growing at a height less than 13 feet six inches above the pavement of the roadway or eight feet above the pavement of the sidewalk, or if any portion of the tree or tree limbs are growing in a manner that interferes with or causes an obstruction to motorists using the roadway or pedestrians using the sidewalk.


    A tree or tree limb shall be deemed to interfere with or cause an obstruction to motorists or pedestrians if it obscures the motorists' or pedestrians' view of any street intersection, sign or traffic control device or if it otherwise causes or creates a hazard that could reasonably cause property damage or personal injury.

(Ord. No. O-97-029-01, § 1, 11-10-97)