§ 82-5. Use regulations.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be unlawful to construct or install or permit to be constructed or installed any sign within the city limits, except as expressly permitted in this chapter.


    In the "SF-1" single family district, "SF-2" single family district, "D" duplex district and "MH" manufactured housing district, the following shall apply:


    General provisions: Each family may install or permit to be installed an un-illuminated nameplate, not exceeding one square foot in area containing the name of the occupant of the premises. There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the building or premises.


    Ground or monument sign: Not allowed.


    Pole or pylon sign: Not allowed.


    Special provisions:


    Temporary signs advertising garage sales shall be permitted subject to the following restrictions:


    Signs shall not exceed 2½ square feet in sign area and shall not exceed 2½ feet in height and shall not be illuminated;


    Signs may only be posted on the premises where the garage sale is being conducted and where there is an existing residential use;


    Signs may be posted for not more than three days beginning on the day the garage sale begins;


    Signs shall be removed at the close of garage sale activities or by 8:00 p.m., whichever occurs first;


    Signs shall not be posted on a utility pole, traffic signal, sign pole, or any public right-of-way;


    Signs shall not be posted less than five feet nor more than 15 feet from the curb or roadway pavement, whichever exists.


    Temporary signs pertaining to the sale or rental of real property are permitted. The maximum size of a real estate sales sign is eight square feet with a maximum height of six feet.


    "MF-1" and "MF-2", multiple-family districts and "TH" townhouse districts. Signs shall be permitted to identify the use or uses of the property upon which they are displayed subject to the following regulations:


    Attached sign:


    Maximum sign area: 15 percent of the facade area of a building face or area of the front of the building space.


    Maximum height: Attached signs shall not extend above the face or area of the front of the building space.


    Maximum of one sign per lot of record.


    Ground or monument sign:


    Maximum sign area: 80 square feet;


    Maximum height: Six feet;


    Maximum of one ground sign per street frontage.


    Pole or pylon sign: Not allowed.


    Special provisions:


    Revolving signs are not permitted in this district;


    Sign area limitations can be used with ground or building signs or in combination;


    Maximum of one detached sign per street frontage.


    "O" office district and "C-1", commercial district. Signs shall be permitted to identify the use or uses of the property upon which they are displayed subject to the following regulations:


    Attached sign:


    Maximum sign area: 15 percent of the facade area of a building face or area of the front of the building space.


    Maximum height: Attached signs shall not extend above the face or area of the front of the building space.


    Signs on buildings shall not extend beyond the building.


    Maximum of one sign per lot of record.


    Ground or monument sign:


    Maximum sign area: 35 square feet.


    Maximum of one ground sign per street frontage.


    Pole or pylon sign:


    Allowed only for those businesses having 100 linear feet or more of frontage on a public street;


    Maximum sign area: 80 square feet;


    Maximum height: 35 feet;


    Maximum of one sign per lot of record.


    Special provisions: The provisions regulating signs in the "C-2" commercial district shall be permitted for signs in the "C-1" commercial district for lots fronting on a "U.S." or "interstate" designated highway and said regulations shall apply to said frontage orientation only.


    "C-2" commercial district, "C-3" commercial district, "C-4" commercial district, "C-5" commercial district, "M-1" industrial district, and "M-2" heavy industrial district. Signs shall be permitted to identify the use or uses of the property upon which they are displayed subject to the following regulations:


    Attached sign:


    Maximum sign area: 20 percent of the facade area of a building face or area of the front of the building space.


    Maximum height: Attached signs shall not extend above the face or area of the front of the building space.


    Maximum of one sign per lot of record.


    Ground or monument sign:


    Maximum sign area: 35 square feet;


    Maximum height: Six feet;


    Maximum of one ground sign per street frontage.


    Pole or pylon sign:


    Pole or Pylon signs are permitted in the front or side yard. Every portion of such sign extending over the required yard shall have a minimum clearance of 11 feet. Each such sign shall be supported by a single or dual freestanding pole without guide wires or braces;


    If located within ten feet of the property line, the maximum sign area shall be 80 square feet and the maximum height shall be 35 feet. If more than ten feet from the property line, the area of the sign shall not exceed 120 square feet and 50 feet in height;


    Pole or Pylon signs in the front yard shall be located not less than 50 feet from districts "SF-1", "SF-2", "D", "TH", "MF-1" and "MF-2";


    The pole (s) supporting such sign (s) shall be designed in accordance with provisions of the current edition of the uniform building code that now exists or as it may be revised or amended. Enclosures connecting two or more poles supporting a sign are not permitted in the area less than 11 feet from the surrounding ground level;


    The maximum sign area is the total area of all tenants or services advertised on one sign structure. The city council may grant a variance for groups of six or more businesses on sites greater than two acres which use a common sign.


    Maximum of one pole sign per street frontage.


    Electronic message centers:


    If approved by the sign board of appeals, one electronic message center may be installed on a monument, pole, or pylon sign that is already permitted by this section.


    No EMC shall exceed 40 percent of the allowed square footage for a monument, pole, or pylon sign for the zoning district in which the sign is located.


    No EMC shall be permitted within 500 feet radius from another EMC.


    No scrolling, video, or moving graphics.


    The brightness or illumination shall not be sufficient to cause public safety hazard, and the standard to be used shall be determined by the city engineer.


    The message display to be changed no less frequently than once every five seconds, with one second interval in between.

(Ord. No. O-2006-009-15, § 1, 11-27-06)