§ 82-2. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed to them:

    Abandoned sign. A sign that identifies a business, person, or activity that has ceased to operate on the premises on which the sign is located.

    Attached sign. Any sign attached to, or supported by, any part of a building (such as a wall, roof, window, projection, canopy, awning, arcade or marquee) which encloses or covers usable space.

    Balloon (inflatable) sign. A sign consisting of a bag made of lightweight material supported by helium, hot, or pressurized air which is greater than 24 inches, measured in any direction.

    Detached sign. Any sign which is not attached, inclusive of signs on movable objects, except signs on vehicles which are moving or are parked only temporarily, incidental to their principal use for transportation. Detached signs shall include ground signs and pole signs.

    Electronic message center. A sign that uses computer generated or electronic means to change advertising copy, messages or color, including signs that flip or rotate.

    Ground sign. Any sign which is erected at ground level and is not more than six feet in height although poles may be used as supporting members or structure.

    Historical sign. A sign and/or marker denoting properties or buildings which may have historical or memorial significance to the community. The building or property must be designated by local, state or federal government authority.

    Memorial sign. A sign and/or marker denoting properties or buildings which may have historical or memorial significance to the community. The building or property must be designated by local, state or federal government authority.

    Monument sign. A permanent ground sign generally constructed out of brick, stone, or cast concrete material supported on concrete foundation across the entire base of the structure and which may have an open space between the bottom of the sign and the ground which does not exceed one foot.

    Off-premises advertising sign. A sign which advertises businesses, commodities, activities, services or persons which are not usually available or present upon the premises upon which such sign is located, or which directs persons to any location not on the premises.

    Pole or pylon sign. Any sign which is mounted on poles or structures in such a manner that the sign itself is not contiguous with the ground or mounted upon a building or the sign is more than six feet in height.

    Roof sign. Any sign erected, constructed, or maintained on or above the roof of a building.

    Sign. Any device designed to inform or attract the attention of persons not on the premises on which the sign is located, provided however, that the following shall not be included in the application of the regulations herein:


    Signs not exceeding one square foot in area and bearing only property numbers, post box numbers, names of occupants of premises, or other identification of premises not having commercial connotations;


    Flags and insignia of any government except when displayed in connection with commercial promotion;


    Legal notices; identification, informational, or directional signs erected or required by governmental bodies;


    Integral decorative or architectural features of buildings, except letters, trademarks, moving parts, or moving lights.

    Sign area. Any area of the smallest individual rectangle, triangle, circle or other geometric design, or combination of not more than two contiguous rectangles, triangles, circles or other geometric designs which will encompass all elements of the sign which form an integral part of the display, including background, borders and structural trim. The area of the double face sign shall be construed to be the area of the largest single face of the sign, provided that the interior angle formed by the two faces does not exceed 30 degrees.

    Temporary sign. Any sign intended to be displayed for a limited period of time only, including by way of example but not of limitation, any sign or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard, plastic, rubber or other light materials, with or without frames or wheels. Temporary signs shall also include portable signs. Any banner, pennant, poster, balloon sign, construction sign, or A-frame sign shall be considered a temporary sign.

(Ord. No. O-2006-009-15, § 1, 11-27-06)