§ 70-262. Special provisions for special events and parades.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Streets and other city property. If the special event or parade requires the use of city streets or other city property, the following conditions shall be applicable:


    No permanent improvements of any kind shall be placed upon said property by applicant, and any temporary structures shall be removed upon termination of the permit, so that the property permitted shall be returned to the city in the same condition as it existed prior to the granting of the permit by the city.


    Applicant shall maintain and keep the property clean of any unreasonable accumulation of trash, or any other condition that would be a nuisance to the city.


    Applicant shall not unduly deny or restrict access to any business or owner in the area.


    Applicant shall only enter and exit the permitted property by ways approved by the chief of police.


    If specified in the permit, applicant shall make arrangements to barricade any permitted areas from the general public and erect any safety equipment, including lighting, that is reasonable and necessary and required by the chief of police.


    Applicant and its agents, employees and contractors shall perform all acts in a safe manner and in compliance with all laws of the city, state and federal government.


    Applicant shall obtain the consent and permission of any property owner before requesting the closure of any streets, rights-of-way, or other city property, if required by law, and indemnify the city, its officers and employees, from any claim filed by owners of property affected by the closure of the streets, rights-of-way, or other city property.


    Parking. The city shall have the authority, when reasonably necessary as determined by the police department based on pedestrian and traffic safety, to prohibit or restrict the parking of vehicles along a street or highway or part thereof adjacent to the site of the special event or parade. The city shall post signs, at the applicant's cost, indicating that it shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave unattended any vehicle in such areas.


    Trailers. Trailers or other vehicles may be temporarily occupied as living quarters at the site of a special event, provided the trailers have self-contained sanitation facilities or are connected to approved sanitary disposal systems. Such vehicles and trailers shall be parked at least 300 feet or more from any developed residential district and located so as not to impede vehicular or pedestrian traffic.


    Amusement rides. Rides and/or other attractions associated with special events shall conform to statutory rules and regulations set forth in Chapter 2151 of the Texas Occupations Code, as amended, designated the "Amusement Ride Safety Inspection and Insurance Act."


    Tents and temporary structures. Any use of a tent, canopy, or temporary structure, including a stage, shall meet the requirements in the fire code, except that a separate permit is not required when a special event or parade permit has been obtained. Fire lanes for emergency equipment must be provided and the site prepared in a manner so as not to be a fire hazard as determined by the fire chief. The tent or temporary structure must also be properly anchored and supported for purposes of public safety.


    Food service. Where food service is provided, said operation shall be in compliance with all provisions of applicable laws and ordinances concerning food service, including without limitation applicable provisions of the Texas Health and Safety Code, as amended.


    Sanitary facilities. The chief of police and the director of parks and recreation in park areas, with advice from the Tarrant County Department of Health, shall establish the requirements for portable type sanitary facilities based on the estimated number of people, other available facilities in the area, and the term of the event.


    Animals. Applicant shall make arrangements to remove all waste from animals used in any special event or parade. Should animals be kept within the city limits at night, they shall be kept at least 300 feet or more from any developed residential district. Animals in parks are subject to park rules.


    Water usage. Any special event or parade requiring the use of water from the city water system must coordinate with the utility department to obtain a temporary meter. Deposit for the meter and payment for water used shall be in accordance with ordinances of the city.


    Solid waste dumpsters. The director of administrative services shall establish the requirements for solid waste dumpsters based on the estimated number of people, type of events, other facilities in the area and term of the event.


    Loudspeakers and amplifiers. The use of loudspeakers and amplifiers for special events or parades shall be in accordance with sections 66-14 and 66-15 of this Code.


    Miscellaneous. An applicant shall comply with the following special requirements:


    Notify any residents whose access to their own property will be limited or restricted by reason of the special event or parade; and


    Meet with the chief of police, or designated agent, on a timely basis prior to the special event or parade, at a time and place designated by the chief of police.

(Ord. No. O-2001-031-04, § 1, 6-25-01)