§ 70-260. Denial or revocation.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Grounds for denial of a special event or parade permit are as follows, as applicable:


    A special event or parade permit has been granted for another special event or parade at the same place and time.


    Another special event or parade has already been permitted at a place and/or time that will directly conflict with the requested special event or parade, and there are not sufficient city resources or other comparable resources to reasonably accommodate both events.


    The proposed special event or parade will unreasonably disrupt the orderly flow of traffic and no other reasonable means of rerouting traffic or otherwise meeting traffic needs is available.


    The applicant fails to provide for:


    Protection for event participants;


    Public health and sanitation;


    Crowd security, taking into consideration the size of the event;


    Emergency vehicle access;


    Traffic and pedestrian safety; or




    The applicant fails to comply with, or the proposed special event or parade will violate, a city ordinance or other applicable law, unless the prohibited conduct or activity was specifically permitted pursuant to this article.


    The applicant makes a false statement of material fact on an application for a special event or parade permit.


    The applicant fails to provide proof that the applicant possesses a license or permit required by city ordinance or other applicable law for the conduct of all activities included as a part of the special event or parade.


    The applicant has had a special event or parade permit revoked within the preceding 12 months.


    The applicant has committed, within the preceding 12 months, a violation of a special event or parade permit or this article.


    The applicant fails to pay any outstanding costs or damages owed to the city for a past special event or parade.


    The applicant has failed to comply with insurance requirements contained in subsection 70-255(11).


    Grounds for revocation of a special event or parade permit are as follows:


    The applicant fails to comply with, or the special event or parade is in violation of, a condition or provision of the permit, an ordinance of the city, or any other applicable law, unless the prohibited conduct or activity was specifically permitted pursuant to this article.


    The permit holder made a false statement of material fact on an application for a special event or parade permit.


    The special event or parade fails to begin within 30 minutes of the appointed time of commencement, and it would not be reasonable to start the special event or parade late, taking into consideration conditions such as traffic impact, nighttime, parking, city personnel necessary, or other such circumstances.


    The applicant or permit holder may appeal the decision of the chief of police to deny or revoke a special event or parade permit pursuant to the procedure set forth in section 70-261.

(Ord. No. O-2001-031-04, § 1, 6-25-01)