§ 6-13. Working specifications.
CATV alarm system alarm activation and deactivation panels may be of a key or keyless configuration. They must be installed on the interior of the structure. The system shall provide for variable entrance and exit grace times which shall be incorporated into the unit.
No CATV alarm system or general alarm system shall be so designed as to generate an alarm due to the premises or a particular area of the premises not being secured at the time of attempted arming. The alarm system shall utilize an internal audible alert signal to notify the user that he has a programmed grace period in which to deactivate the alarm system upon the user's entrance. In case of power failure, all alarm circuits shall automatically convert to stand-by battery supply, capable of supplying at least 12 hours of emergency power.
It is the duty of installers of general alarm systems and CATV alarm systems to make the user aware that a permit must be obtained from the alarm administrator.
The installer shall also instruct the user regarding the operation of the system, including, but not limited to, the criteria for use of the police alert button device, stressing it is for the summoning of police only in the event of a real and immediate threat to life.
The installer shall not install an alarm system contrary to the provisions of this chapter. Alarm systems that are installed contrary to the provisions of this chapter are in violation of this chapter and the installer is subject to the punishment phase of this chapter for each day the alarm system is installed, and each day or portion of a day thereafter are separate offenses until the alarm system adheres to the provisions of this chapter.
Any keyless configuration activating or deactivating device which contains only a single button to activate a police alert alarm shall provide for a design of such equipment so that accidental activation will not occur and that activation is a deliberate act.
Delay diode required CATV alarm systems and general alarm systems shall include a delay diode which will be engineered so that an alarm will not be sent due to momentary breaks in electrical current caused by lightning.
All electrical equipment used for the installation of CATV alarm systems and general alarm systems shall be Underwriters, Laboratories, Inc. approved.
(Ord. No. O-2012-017-04, § 2, 9-24-12)