§ 54-92. Access and traffic circulation.  

Latest version.
  • All travel trailer parks shall provide access and means of motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic circulation as follows:


    Access: Motor vehicle entrances and exits shall be designed for safe and convenient traffic movement from adjacent public streets and onto internal streets leading to each space. No entrance or exit from a trailer park shall be through a residentially zoned district, or require movement of traffic from the park through a residentially zoned district.


    Internal streets: Internal streets shall be privately owned, built and maintained, and shall be designed for safe and convenient access to all spaces and facilities for common use of park occupants. Where any portions of parks are intended for overnight occupancy only, it is preferred that internal streets be arranged to accommodate drive-through spaces. Internal streets shall comply with the following minimum requirements:


    Minor streets—Streets less than 500 feet in length and serving:


    With drive-through spaces, 50 or less if street is one way, or 100 or less if two way; or


    Where it is necessary to back into or out of spaces, 25 spaces or less if street is one way, or 50 or less if two way;

    shall have minimum widths as follows:

    One-way, no parking 10 feet
    One-way, parking on one side only 18 feet
    One-way, parking both sides 26 feet
    Two-way, no parking 20 feet
    Two-way, parking one side only 28 feet
    Two-way, parking both sides 36 feet



    Collector streets—Streets other than minor streets serving up to 200 spaces, without limitation on length, shall have minimum widths as follows:

    One- or two-way, no parking 24 feet
    One- or two-way, parking one side only 29 feet
    One- or two-way, parking both sides 36 feet



    Arterial streets—Streets serving more than 200 spaces, without limitation on length, shall have the same minimum width as collector streets; provided, that sidewalks shall be provided as necessary to eliminate use of arterial roadway surface for pedestrian movement.


    Dead-end streets—Dead-end streets shall be limited in length to 1,000 feet, and shall be provided at the closed end with a turnaround having a radius of not less than 38 feet.


    Street specifications: Internal streets shall be constructed of all-weather surfacing and shall be maintained free of cracks, holes and other hazards. Such streets must have at least a six-inch gravel base with at least a two-course asphaltic penetration.


    Parking: Vehicular parking shall be provided in a park in compliance with section 18 of the zoning ordinance.

(Ord. No. 635, § 8.02, 10-9-65; Code 1973, § 11-51)

Cross reference

Traffic, ch. 90.