§ 30. Site plan requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Generally. Whenever a site plan is required by this ordinance, such site plan must conform to the requirements of this section.


    Administrative site plans. Except as provided in subsection 30.C., site plans may be approved administratively by the zoning administrator for all site plans not specifically requiring the approval of the city council. An aggrieved party may appeal the decision of the zoning administrator to the zoning board of adjustment in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance.


    City council approval. The following site plans must be acted upon by the city council after recommendation by the planning and zoning commission.


    A site plan submitted in conjunction with an application for a conditional use permit in any zoning district (public hearing required);


    A site plan submitted in conjunction with an application for a zoning change to "TH", "O", "C-1", "C-2", "C-3", "C-4", "C-5", "M-1", "M-2", "PD" or "BP" (public hearing required).

    Changes in any site plan approved by the city council shall be processed the same as the original approval of the site plan, unless a determination is made by the zoning administrator that a proposed change of detail does not alter the basic relationship of the proposed development to adjacent property, and does not alter the uses permitted or increase the density, floor-area ratio, height ratio, or reduce the yards provided at the boundary of the site as indicated on the approved site plan. Such changes may be authorized by the zoning administrator. An aggrieved party may appeal the decision of the zoning Administrator to the zoning board of adjustment in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance.


    The purpose of the site plan review.


    To insure compliance with the zoning ordinance, while allowing for design flexibility;


    To assist in the orderly and harmonious development of the city;


    To protect adjacent uses from obstructions to light, air, and visibility;


    To provide protection from fire;


    To avoid undue concentrations of population and overcrowding of land; and


    To facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewage, drainage and other public requirements.


    Notice and hearing. The following notice and hearing requirements shall apply to site plans in conjunction with a conditional use permit, requiring city council approval:


    Owners of record of property within 200 feet of the property under consideration will be notified of site plan consideration by the planning and zoning commission.


    The zoning administrator shall have at least one sign erected on the property for which site plan consideration of the planning and zoning commission has been requested. The sign shall have total area of at least four square feet and shall be located adjacent to streets, if possible. Such sign shall be erected on or before the first date of the first notice to property owners and shall be removed immediately after final action by the city council, or when the applicant withdraws the request, whichever comes first. The sign shall contain a notice of hearing on a site plan and the telephone number of the public official from whom dates of public hearing may be obtained. The erection or continued maintenance of signs shall not be deemed a condition precedent to the granting of any site plan recommended or approved or the holding of any public hearing.


    Hearings held by the council for consideration of approval of such conditional use permit site plans shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of state law and section 39, changes and amendments of this ordinance. Council approval of a site plan shall become part of the amending ordinance.


    Form and content. The site plan shall contain the information listed below, as determined applicable by the zoning administrator. Any or all of the required features may be incorporated on a single drawing, if such drawing is clear and capable of evaluation by the planning and zoning commission, the city council, and the officers required to enforce and interpret this ordinance.


    A scale drawing on a minimum sheet size of 18 inches by 24 inches is required, showing any proposed public or private street(s) and alley(s); building site(s) or building lot(s); any area(s) proposed for dedication, or reserved as parks, parkways, playgrounds, utility and garbage easements, school sites, street widening, street changes; the points of ingress and egress from existing public streets and an accurate survey of the boundary of tract, as well as a ledger size (11 feet by 17 feet) for file purposes.


    Topography with contour interval of not less than two-foot intervals.


    Where multiple types of land use are proposed, a land use plan delineating the specific areas to be devoted to various uses shall be required.


    Where building(s) are proposed, a site plan showing the location of each building and the minimum distance between building(s), and between building(s) and the property lines, street lines and/or alley lines shall be submitted.


    The square footage of each proposed building on the site.


    Front, side, and rear building elevations of all proposed structures.


    The height of the building(s) and type of construction materials.


    A plan indicating the arrangement and provision of off-street parking, off-street loading, and points of entry from adjoining thoroughfares.


    Landscape plan.


    Fire lanes as designated by the fire department.


    The location of all fire hydrants.


    A table showing land area, building area, parking area and a ratio of building area and land area, and a ratio of building/parking area and land area.


    The location of all outside facilities for waste disposal.


    The type, location, height, and orientation of all external illumination facilities.


    The location, size, height, and orientation of all proposed signs.


    The 100-year floodplain and floodway limit locations. Specify floodplain map number and date.


    A drainage plan shall be made a part of the site plan for development projects influenced by or containing major drainageways or containing flood prone areas as determined by the city engineer.


    A performance standards report if deemed necessary by the zoning administrator because of the characteristics of the activities to be conducted on the site.


    All pedestrian walks, malls, and open area(s) for use by tenants or the public; the types of surfacing of such paving or turfing to be used at all locations on the site.


    Scale, north arrow, date of site plan preparation, and name(s) and address(es) of those responsible for the preparation of the site plan.


    Title block, name of owner/applicant, developer, land planner, and/or other relevant participant.