§ 26. "BP" business park district.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose. The purpose of this zoning district is to create an employment center consisting of office, research and development facilities, and limited assembly operations. The "BP" business park district should generally accommodate several users in a campus environment.


    Permitted uses. In the "BP" business park district, no buildings or land shall be used or undertaken, and no buildings shall be hereafter erected, placed, reconstructed, altered or enlarged, unless otherwise provided in this ordinance, except for those office, research and development entities which are specifically approved by the city council for that site.


    Site plan required. A site plan, meeting the requirements of section 30, site plan requirements, shall be required for each development application for any permitted use in this district.


    Area requirements.

    Minimum lot area: None
    Minimum floor area: None
    Minimum lot width: None
    Minimum lot depth: None
    Minimum front yard: 50 feet
    Minimum side yard: 30 feet
    Minimum rear yard: 30 feet
    Corner lots: 20 feet - intersecting street
    Maximum lot coverage: 50%
    Floor area ratio (FAR): 1:1
    Height: 75 feet (40' adjacent to residential zoning)



    Screening devices. In the event that this district abuts or adjoins a lot zoned "SF-1," "SF-2," "D," "TH," "MF-1," or "MF-2," a screening device meeting the requirements of section 32, landscaping and screening requirements shall be placed along the abutting or common property line.

    Every use, or any part thereof, adjacent to a residential or commercial zoning district that is not conducted within a building completely enclosed on all sides shall be enclosed within a wall or fence a minimum of six feet and a maximum of eight feet in height. Such wall or fence shall completely screen up to eight feet in height all operations conducted on site. No exterior storage area shall encroach into any of the required yards.


    Special district requirements. The design and orientation of buildings and related elements shall be in accordance with the following:


    Loading docks or spaces, trash collection facilities, (dumpsters, compactors, and related devices) and automobile or truck service bays shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from rights-of-way. The planning and zoning commission may require wing walls or other techniques to visually screen loading docks or spaces, trash collection facilities, and service bays from surrounding streets. In addition to the requirements for placement and screening of theses facilities, as outlined above, any loading docks or spaces, trash collection facilities, or service bays which face towards the parallel roadway and which are not blocked from view by a building or other structure shall be screened by increased landscaping requirements. In such instances, a 50-foot landscaped edge will be required for the full length of the lot or parcel under development. Earthen berms of a least four feet in height, as measured from the finished grade of the lot, shall be placed within the landscaped edge. Said berms shall have a maximum slope of four to one, requiring at least four feet of horizontal width for every one foot in vertical height. Said berms may be placed within the required front yard only when used to screen loading spaces, trash collection facilities, and service bays. The landscape edge shall include one three-inch caliper shade tree and one ornamental tree (7 feet planted height) per 25 feet of frontage on specified thoroughfares. Driveways may extend through the landscaped edge if they meet the city's requirements for location, design, and traffic visibility.


    Seventy-five percent of any exposed exterior wall shall consist of glass, native stone, clay-fired brick or tile, or a combination of these materials. All exterior building materials made of glass shall have a maximum exterior visible reflectance of 20 percent. Other finishes and materials may be approved by the Planning and zoning commission if adopted as part of site plan approval and if permitted by building and fire codes. Any finish and material permitted by building and fire codes may be used on the remaining 25 percent of any exposed exterior wall. The planning and zoning commission may allow, if adopted as part of site plan approval, the use of concrete, concrete block, and tile on exterior walls that are not visible from public thoroughfares. These finishes must be consistent in color with the remainder of the building. These would include the walls of service courts and other facilities that are secluded from view by the specific design of a building or group of buildings.


    Roof mounted mechanical units shall be screened. A solid landscaped screening device of walls constructed of the same materials and finishes as the building shall screen from view ground mounted mechanical units. These screens shall be a minimum of six feet in height. Plants must be placed so as to create a six-foot tall solid screen within two years of installation. All landscaping must be irrigated and must be replaced if damaged.


    Cross-access easements shall be provided. In addition to requiring cross-access to median openings, cross-access easements may be required to provide access to at least two public thoroughfares. The planning and zoning commission may determine that cross-access is not appropriate for reasons of security, safety, or circulation.


    Parking requirements. See section 31, parking regulations.


    Accessory and temporary buildings and uses. See section 29, supplementary district regulations.


    Landscape requirements. See section 32, landscaping and screening requirements.

(Ord. No. O-2015-007-15, § 1, 6-8-15)