§ 16. "MF-1" multiple family residential district.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose. This district allows low density multiple family development and is intended for low density multiple family use. This district is intended for zones of transition from the single family zone to higher density multiple family or commercial zone.


    Permitted uses. In the "MF-1" multiple family district, no building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, reconstructed, altered, or enlarged, unless otherwise provided in this ordinance, except for those uses listed on the use matrix, section 9.


    Area requirements.

    Density: 8 units per acre
    Minimum dwelling unit area: 1,000 square feet
    Minimum lot width: 70 feet at building line
    Minimum lot depth: 100 feet
    Minimum front yard: 25 feet
    Minimum side yard: 10 feet (25 ft. street side)
    Minimum rear yard: 20 feet (25 feet street side)
    Minimum building separation: 20 feet
    Maximum lot coverage: 60%
    Front yard impervious coverage: 60%
    Height: 35 feet
    Parking requirements: One off-street parking space per efficiency unit
    Two off-street parking spaces per one-bedroom unit
    Three off-street parking spaces per two-bedroom unit
    Three off-street parking spaces per three-bedroom unit
    Four off-street parking spaces per four-bedroom unit
    See Section 16.E for additional parking requirements


    Notes: Floor areas shall be exclusive of garage, porches and breezeways, and exterior storage for each family to be housed in said building. This minimum area shall not apply to hotels, or apartment hotels, where no provision is made for cooking in any individual room, suite or apartment. It shall not apply to apartment complexes constructed and used exclusively for elderly retirees. Additionally, in apartment complexes having 50 or more units, the computation of minimum and average square footage of floor area may include a pro rata share of separate recreational rooms or buildings up to ten percent of the required square footage of liveable area.


    Masonry requirements. At least 80 percent of the exterior walls, (excluding doors and windows) of each multiple family residential building shall be constructed of masonry or glass wall construction meeting the requirements of the city's masonry ordinance.


    Additional parking requirements. At least 20 percent of the parking required to be provided shall be designated visitor parking only. A minimum of 50 percent of the required parking spaces of a multiple family development shall be either an attached enclosed garage or a detached multi-car covered parking structure. Detached covered parking shall function unobtrusively and shall be compatible with the main buildings of the multiple family development in terms of materials design, style and color. Detached covered parking structures, if used, shall be located near the building served. No detached covered parking structure shall accommodate more than ten parking spaces or be located closer than ten feet to another parking structure. When garages are used within dwellings, one-car garages shall be a minimum of ten feet wide and 20 feet long.


    Leasing office/clubhouse required. A leasing office shall be constructed with each multiple family development. A clubhouse, which shall be available to all residents of the development, with a minimum of 2,500 square feet in size shall be provided for any multiple family development of 200 units or less; a minimum of 3,500 square feet in size for 201 to 350 units; and 4,000 square feet for 351 or more units.


    Site plan required. A site plan meeting the requirements of section 30, site plan requirements, shall be required for each application for the development of a multiple family apartment complex.


    Accessory and temporary buildings and uses. See section 29, supplementary district regulations.


    Landscaping provisions. A standard ten-foot landscaped screening buffer meeting the requirements of section 32, landscaping and screening requirements, subsection B.1. "location of required landscaping and screening" shall be constructed around the entire perimeter of the multiple family lot or premises.


    Screening of "MF-1" District uses when adjacent to "SF-1", "SF-2", "TH" and "D" district uses. When a two-, three- or four-family structure is constructed adjacent to an "SF-1" single family residential, "SF-2" single family residential, "TH" townhouse or "D" duplex district, the following requirements shall apply:


    Screening fence or wall. A six-foot opaque fence or wall constructed of wood, masonry, or stone material shall be erected by the owner, builder, or developer along the property line between the abutting districts to provide visual screening. The property owner will be responsible for maintenance of the fence or wall.


    Screening of garbage storage areas. Except for one-and two-family dwellings, garbage storage areas shall be visually screened by a six-foot high solid fence, or a height that screens the dumpster from view if the dumpster is taller than six feet, on all sides except when one side is adjacent to an alley or easement used for garbage pickup services, no screening fence shall be required on that side.


    Open space buffer strip. When any town home or multiple family dwellings are established on a lot or premises adjacent to any property located in an "SF-1", "SF-2", or "D" residential district, a ten-foot-wide landscaped open space buffer strip shall be installed and maintained by the owner, developer, or operator of the multiple family use property between such use and the adjacent "SF-1", "SF-2", or "D" zoned property. Not less than one tree shall be planted and maintained for each twenty-five linear feet or portion thereof of said open space buffer strip. Each tree used in landscaped open space buffer strips shall be not less than six feet in height upon planting and shall have a caliper of not less than two inches measured 18 inches from the ground.

(Ord. No. O-2016-011-15, § 4, 6-27-16)