Appendix C. FEE SCHEDULE  

Latest version.
  • All persons, firms or corporations applying for licenses, permits or other city services that by their nature require the applicant to pay a fee incident to such application shall pay the fees as prescribed in the "fee schedule," included herein. It shall be a violation of this ordinance to conduct any activity or commence any use for which payment of a fee is required until such fee has been paid. The city council may review the schedule of fees at any time and may, by resolution, increase or decrease said fees within the schedule upon a determination that said increase or decrease is warranted.


    Description FY 2018
    Copies/Public Records
    1. Paper Copy—Standard Size 8½ × 11 or 8½ × 14 (One to Ten Pages) if two sides, counts as two copies $0.10
    2. Paper Copy—Standard Size 8½ × 11 or 8½ × 14 (Eleven or More Pages) if two sides, counts as two copies—Per Page $0.10
    3. Paper Copy—Larger than 8½ × 14 (If two sides, counts as two copies)—Per Page $0.50
    4. Computer Diskette—Per Diskette (when available) $1.00
    5. Computer CD—Per CD (when available) $1.00
    6. Audio Cassette $2.50
    7. VHS/DVD Duplication of Council Meeting/Open Record $2.50/$3.00
    8. VHS/DVD Duplication of Program not Council Meeting/Open Record $8.00/$15.00
    9. Personnel Charge For Research—Per Hour $15.00
    10. Certified Copy—Each Certification (Plus additional cost of document) $5.00
    11. Paper Copy—Standard Size 8 ½ × 11 or 8 ½ × 14—Per Page $0.10
    Notary Fees
    12. Acknowledgements, Certified Copies, Jurats, Oaths and Affirmations, Proof of Acknowledgement—Per Document $6.00
    13. Protests—Per Document $5.00
    1. Adoption All Species—Per Animal $45.00
    Spay/Neuter $60.00
    Rabies Shots $15.00
    2. Surrender Fee All Species—Per Animal $30.00
    Surrender Fee All Species—Bite Investigation $40.00
    Surrender Fee All Species—Unaltered, No Rabies $75.00
    Surrender Fee All Species—Altered, No Rabies $45.00
    Surrender Fee All Species—Unaltered, Rabies $65.00
    Surrender Fee All Species—Altered, Rabies $30.00
    3. Deceased Animal Pickup—From Veterinarian—per animal $10.00
    4. Deceased Animal Pickup—From Citizen—Small Animal (less than 30 pounds)—per animal $10.00
    5. Deceased Animal Pickup—From Citizen—Large Animal (Over 30 pounds)—per animal $10.00
    Offense Fees
    6. Impoundment of Altered Animal—Per Animal
      1st Offense $15.00
      2nd Offense $30.00
      After 2nd Offense $60.00
    7. Impoundment of Unaltered Animal—Per Animal
      1st Offense $30.00
      2nd Offense $60.00
      After 2nd Offense $100.00
    8. Impoundment of Animal in Estrus—Per Animal $50.00
      Incremental increase in fee for each additional impoundment $10.00
      Pet Registration subsequent to impoundment $10.00
    9. Boarding Fee All Species—Per Day Per Animal (addition to impound fee) $10.00
    10. Quarantine All Species—Per Day Per Animal $30.00
      Incremental increase in fee for each additional quarantine
    Trap Rental Fees
    11. Cat Trap
      Refundable deposit
    12. Dog Trap
      Refundable deposit
    13. City Animal Licensing Fee (Senior Citizens no charge)
       Required Minimum Age 4 months and older
    altered $7.00
    unaltered $15.00
    replace tag $5.00
    Building Permit Fees
    To obtain these fees in their entirety, refer to The Uniform Administrative Code, 1997 Edition, published by the International Conference of Building Officials. (Adopted as the official administrative code of Haltom City.) See
    1. a. Electrical Permit Fees
    b. Elevator Permit Fees
    c. Elevator Annual Certificates of Inspection Fees
    d. Grading Plan Review Fees
    e. Grading Permit Fees
    f. Building Permit Fees
    (Includes building, sign, commercial fence, commercial paving, and similar construction)
          Valuation Base Fee Amount Over BaseFee
          $1 to $500 $23.50 $0.00
          $501 to $2,000 $23.50 $3.32 per $100
          $2,001 to $25,000 $73.30 $15.26 per $1,000
          $25,001 to $50,000 $424.28 $11.10 per $1,000
          $50,001 to $100,000 $701.78 $7.63 per $1,000
          $100,001 to $500,000 $1,083.28 $6.10 per $1,000
          $500,001 to $1,000,000 $3,523.28 $5.18 per $1,000
          Over $1,000,000 $6,118.46 $3.98 per $1,000
    g. Mechanical Permit Fees Base Fee $27.50
    h. Plumbing Permit Fees Base Fee $27.50
    i. Plan Review Fee 65% of Permit Fee
    j. Site Plan Review Fee No Charge
    Building Code Fees
    2. Certificate of Occupancy—Initial New Business Permit or if any change in use or ownership $50.00
    3. General Contractor Registration—Initial $100.00
    4. General Contractor Registration—Annual Renewal [$50.00]
    5. Master Electrician License—Initial $100.00
    6. Master Electrician License—Annual Renewal $50.00
    7. Journeyman Electrician License—Initial $25.00
    8. Journeyman Electrician License—Annual Renewal $15.00
    9. Mechanical Contractor License—Initial $100.00
    10. Mechanical Contractor License—Annual Renewal $50.00
    11. Irrigation License—Initial $100.00
    12. Irrigation License—Annual Renewal $50.00
    13. A/C Contractor License—Initial $100.00
    14. A/C Contractor License—Annual Renewal $50.00
    15. Street Contractor License—Initial $100.00
    16. Street Contractor License—Annual Renewal $50.00
    Cemetery Fees
    17. Permit fee for Erecting a Memorial $47.50
    18. Grave Inspection $65.00
    19. Saturday or Sunday Grave Inspection $120.00
    Landscape Fees
    20. Payment in to Parkland Dedication Fund in lieu of required tree $500.00
    Payment in to Parkland Dedication Fund in lieu of required shrub $250.00
    Payment in to Parkland Dedication Fund in lieu of required buffer area - per every 15 square feet $100.00
    Public Works Fees (Related to Building Permits and Public Infrastructure Construction)
    21. Asphalt Street Cut $400.00
    22. Concrete Street Cut $1,000.00
    23. Street Bore $1,000.00
    24. Curb and Gutter - per Linear Foot $2.00
    25. Sidewalk Inspection - per Linear Foot $2.00
    26. Safe Pathways Fund (payment in lieu of sidewalk construction) - per linear foot $25.00
    27. Driveway Approach Permit $25.00
    28. Driveway Approach Subsequent Inspections - Per Inspection $10.00
    29. Abandoning/Vacating of Easement and/or Right-of-Way (if not part of plat) $100.00
    30. Public Infrastructure Construction Inspection 5.5% of the actual construction cost of the proposed infrastructure to be dedicated to the City of Haltom City.
    31. Flood Plain Permit - Residential $25.00
    32. Flood Plain Permit - Commercial $50.00
    Miscellaneous Permits and Fees
    33. Construction Permit 2% of construction cost
    34. Mobile Home Inspections - Per Month Per Trailer $2.00
    35. Grass Cutting Administrative Cost - Per Lot/Tract $250.00
    36. Grass Cutting Hourly Rate - Per Lot $65.00
    (in addition to administrative cost)
    37. Grass Cutting Hourly Rate - Per Tract $80.00
    (in addition to administrative cost)
    38. Contractor Fire Sprinkler Connection Tap Fee - Per Connection $100.00
    39. Residential Fence Permit (30" minimum height) $27.50
    40. Irrigation System Permit $140.00
    Licenses and Permits
    1. Amusement Machine License—Four Machines or Less $100.00
    2. Amusement Machine License—Five Machines or More $300.00
    3. Occupation Tax Annual License—Per Amusement Machine $15.00 or 25% of the amount of the annual occupation tax charged by the State
    4. Pool Hall—Annual License Per Table $15.00
    5. Solicitor's Permit—Annual Permit $100.00
    6. BQ—Wine and Beer Off Premise Permit $30.00
    7. BE—On Premise Beer Retailers $500 for the first year and $375 for every year thereafter
    8. BG—Wine and Beer Retailers On Premise $500 for the first year and $375 for every year thereafter
    9. RM—Mixed Beverage Restaurant Permit with Food and Beverage Certificate $375.00
    10. Emergency Management Plan (Basic only)—Paper Copy—Per Page $0.10
    plus $15.00 per hour personnel
    11. Emergency Management Plan (Annexes Only)—Paper Copy—Per Page $0.10
    plus $15.00 per hour personnel
    12. Emergency Management Plan (Basic Plan and/or Annexes)—CD (Computer Disk)—Per CD when available $5.00
    Faxing Fee—Open Records Requests
    13. Local Number—Per Page $1.00
    14. Long Distance Number U.S. Mail will be used on open records requests that have a long distance fax telephone number.
    Permits and Inspections
    1. Blue Line or Black Line Printing 24" × 36" Sheet—Cost Per Sheet $5.00
    2. Full Color Printing 24" × 36" Sheet—Cost Per Sheet $5.00
    3. Blue Line or Black Line Printing 11" × 17" Sheet—Cost Per Sheet $1.00
    4. Standard Details of Construction—Booklet $50.00
    5. Standard Details of Construction—Computer Diskette or CD $5.00
    Gas Drilling and Production Fees
    6. Drilling Permit Fee $10,000.00
    7. Seismic Service Fee $500.00
    8. Pipeline Inspection Fee 5.5% of construction cost in ROW
    9. Blanket Permit Fee (per well head) $10,000.00
    10. Amended Permit Fee $1,000.00
    11. Operator Transfer Fee $1,000.00
    12. Annual Permit Fee $2,000.00
    13. Inspections Actual Cost
    14. Technical Advisor Actual Cost
    Permits and Inspections
    1. Liquid Waste Transport Fee—1st Vehicle $200.00
    2. Liquid Waste Transport Fee—Each Additional Vehicle $170.00
    3. Trip Ticket Book Liquid Waste Transport—Per Book $10.00
    4. Backflow Tester Registration—For One Year $100.00
    5. Test Booklet—Per Booklet $10.00
    Public (not for single family residential) Swimming Pool, Spa & Interactive Water Feature Fees (Fees Paid Directly to Tarrant County)
    6. Plan Review and Opening Inspection $150.00
    7. Annual Permit $250.00
    8. Required Reinspection $75.00
    Industrial User Wastewater Discharge Permitting Fees
    City of Fort Worth pretreatment Contract fees which vary depending on compliance and changes to industrial facility (plus additional Haltom City Administrative Fees below):
    9.   Haltom City Significant Industrial User (Annual Fee) $500.00
    10.   Administrative fee per compliance issue (see Haltom City's Enforcement Response Plan): $200.00
    Wastewater Sampling Fees
    11. Metals Composite Sampling Fee—Per Sample $255.00
    12. Oil/Grease and Cyanide Grab Sampling Fee—Per Sample $80.00
    13. Cyanide Grab Sampling Fee—Per Sample $50.00
    14. Total Toxic Organics Grab Sampling Fee—Per Sample $615.00
    15. Biochemical Oxygen Demand Sampling Fee—Per Sample $55.00
    16. Total Suspended Solids Sampling Fee—Per Sample $40.00
    Food Program Fees (Fees Paid Directly to Tarrant County)
    1. Food store
      ≤ 5,000 sq. ft. $200.00
      > 5,000 sq. ft. $300.00
    2. Food service
      ≤ 500 sq. ft. $100.00
      > 500 ≤ 1,500 sq. ft. $150.00
      > 1,500 ≤ 3,000 sq. ft. $200.00
      > 3,000 ≤ 6,000 sq. ft. $250.00
      > 6,000 sq. ft. $300.00
    3. Child Care Food Service $150.00
    4. Catering Operation $250.00
    5. Food Court (per establishment) $200.00
    6. Adjunct Operation
      Food Service (per independent operation) $150.00
      Food Store ≤ 5,000 sq. ft. (per independent operation) $150.00
      Food Store ≥ 5,000 sq. ft. (per independent operation) $200.00
    7. Commissary
      No food prep $100.00
      With food prep
    8. Mobile Units
      Prepackaged food only $100.00
      Open and/or food prep $200.00
      Push Carts $200.00
    9. Plan Review
      ≤ 500 sq. ft. $0.00
      > 500 ≤ 3,000 sq. ft. $50.00
      > 3,000 sq. ft. $100.00
    10. Late Fee
      From 1—30 days 10% of fee owed
      From 31—60 days 20% of fee owed
    The late fee increases 10% for each 30 day block until permit fee and late fee is paid.
    Permits that are more than 90 days overdue will be void and required to reapply.
    11. Reinspection Fee
      Required reinspection $75.00
    1. Bound Hardcopy of Budget $40.00
    2. Bound Hardcopy of Annual Audit $40.00
    3. Garage Sale Permit—Per Sale (Maximum of Four (4) Sales Per Calendar Year) $7.00
    4. Credit card convenience fee (per transaction) $2.50
    Fire Code Permit Fees
    1. Fire Code Permits—Per Permit (Maximum charge per facility $165 regardless of number of permits at one location) $55.00
    To obtain the entire list of tables with a description of each individual permit, refer to the 2012 International Fire Code.
    2. Open Burning $300.00
    3. Temporary membrane structures, tents and canopies $175.00
    4. Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems $100.00 1 to 19 heads
    $125.00 20 or more heads
    plus $50.00 per floor for each floor
    5. Stand-by/Fire Watch Personnel—Per Hour $45.00
    6. Fire Alarm Systems $100.00 2—5 initiating devices
    $125.00 6 or more initiating devices
    plus $45.00 per floor for each floor
    7. Standpipe Installation—New—Per Riser $100.00
    8. Standpipe Testing—Required every 5 years—Per Riser $50.00
    9. Pre-engineered Extinguishing System—New System $150.00
    10. Pre-engineered Extinguishing System—Existing System $100.00
    11. Multifamily Safety Inspections (Per Dwelling Unit)—Annual Fee $0.85 per unit per month
    12. Fire Protection Contractor's Fee—Initial No charge
    13. Fire Protection Contractor's Fee—Annual Renewal No charge
    14. Fire Hydrant Flow Test—Per Test $75.00
    15. Plan Review—Per Plan $250.00
    16. Re-Inspection Fee (After 3rd visit if no compliance)—Per Occurrence Refer to The Uniform Administrative Code, 1997 Edition, published by the International Conference of Building Officials. (Adopted as the official administrative code of the City.) Ordinance Number 0-98-055-18
    17. Fireworks Display $300.00
    1. Initial Library Card No Charge
    2. Replacement Card $2.00
    3. Overdue Material (including books, audio and video cassettes, DVDs etc.)—Cost Per Item, Per Day $0.20
    4. Lost or Damaged Material such as hardback books, audio and video cassettes, DVDs, CDs, talking books and puzzles Cost of item. Refundable if found and returned in good condition.
    5. Interlibrary Loan Borrowing Fees $3.00
    6. Refundable Deposit for GED Books and ASVAB Books $15.00
    Fax, Copy and Print Fees—Patron Personal Documents
    7. Faxing Fee—Local and long distance (Continental US only)—Send or [receive—Per page] $1.00
    8. Black and white printing/copying (coin operated copiers or computer printers)—[Per page] $0.10
    9. Color printing/copying (coin operated copiers or computer printers)—[Per page] $0.50
    Miscellaneous Charges
    10. New Blank Computer Diskette/Compact Disc—Per Diskette/CD $1.00
    11. Flash Drive $6.50
    12. Earbuds $2.00
    Meeting Room Deposit
    13. Reservation/Cleaning Deposit—Refundable $50.00
    Meeting Room Usage Charges
    14. ½ Room w/o Kitchenette - resident (2-hour minimum) per hour $15.00
    15. ½ Room w/o Kitchenette - nonresident (2-hour minimum) per hour $25.00
    16. ½ Room w/Kitchenette - resident (2-hour minimum) per hour $20.00
    17. ½ Room w/Kitchenette - nonresident (2-hour minimum) per hour $30.00
    18. Full room - resident (2-hour minimum) per hour $30.00
    19. Full room - nonresident (2-hour minimum) per hour $50.00
    20. Business Rates per hour (minimum 2 hours) above rates × 2
    21. Board room (deposit applies) no charge
    Gym Use (No Fitness Room Privileges)
    1. Annual Recreation Membership (No Access to Fitness Room)—HC Resident or Business Owner $5.00
    2. Daily Gym Use Non-Resident—Per Visit $5.00
    3. Gym Use Non-Resident (unlimited visits) 1 Year Membership—Annual Renewal $50.00
    4. Replacement Card $5.00
    Fitness Room (Must be 16 years and up)
    5. Fitness Room Membership Resident—Per Year
    each additional family member living in the same household—maximum 4 members
    6. Fitness Room Membership Non-Resident—Per Year
    each additional family member living in the same household—maximum 4 members
    7. Fitness Room Membership Resident Family—Per Year
    maximum 4 members
    8. Fitness Room Membership Non-Resident Family—Per Year
    maximum 4 members
    9. Fitness Room Membership HC City Employee—Per Year no charge
    10. Fitness Room Membership—Resident Senior Rate (60 & up)—Per Year $30.00
    11. Fitness Room Membership—Nonresident Senior Rate (60 & up)—Per Year $60.00
    12. Fitness Room Membership—Resident—Per Month $10.00
    13. Fitness Room Membership—Non-Resident—Per Month $20.00
    14. Fitness Room Replacement ID $5.00
    Gym Rental
    15. Youth Gym Rental Resident—Per Hour $40.00
    16. Adult Gym Rental Resident—Per Hour $50.00
    17. Gym Cleaning Deposit $50.00
    18. Tournament Fee—Full Day (9am to 5pm) $250.00
    Park and Ball Field Rental
    19. Ball Field Rental Without Lights—Per Hour
    Minimum 2 hours
    20. Ball Field Rental With Lights—Per Hour
    Minimum 2 hours
    21. Tournament Fee (With Lights)—Full Day (8:00 am—11:00 pm) $150.00/Field
    22. Light Key Deposit—Refundable (Cash Only) $30.00
    Park Facility Fees and Deposits
    23. Shelter Reservations—Per Hour (2 Hour Minimum) $10.00
    24. Tennis Courts No Charge
    25. Restroom Key Deposit—Refundable (Cash Only) $30.00
    Disc Golf Course Rentals**
    Mini-Tournament $25.00
    Fundraiser/Non-profit $25.00
    Sanctioned Tournament $50.00
    port-a-potty (each) $100.00
    **Does not designate "exclusive" use of course - funds will go into Park Donation fund to be used for course improvements
    Recreation Center Room Rental
    26. Single Room Resident—Per Hour $20.00
    27. Single Room Cleaning Deposit—Refundable $30.00
    28. Multi-Purpose Room Resident—Per Hour $40.00
    29. Multi-Purpose Room Cleaning Deposit—Refundable $50.00
    30. Room Rental for Non-profit groups No charge
    31. Staffing fee per hour (after hours rental) $25.00
    Application and Variance Fees
    1. Application for Platting—Commercial (Non-Refundable) $120.00
    plus $10.50 Per Acre
    2. Application for Platting—Residential (Non-Refundable) $300.00
    plus $10.50 Per Acre
    3. Application for Variance—Zoning Board of Adjustment (Non-Refundable) No Charge
    4. Council Variance (Non-Refundable) $300.00
    5. Application for Conditional Use Permit (Non-Refundable) $300.00
    plus $10.50 Per Acre
    6. Application for Rezoning (Non-Refundable) $300.00
    plus $10.50 Per Acre
    7. Application for Special Exception—Zoning Board of Adjustment $0.00
    8. Application for Variance—Sign Board of Appeals $300.00
    9. Application for Variance—Masonry Ordinance $300.00
    Miscellaneous Fees
    10. Comprehensive Land Use Plan Not Sold—Available at
    No Charge
    11. Copy of Zoning Ordinance $35.00
    12. Copy of Subdivision Ordinance $25.00
    13. Copy of Zoning Map—Available at
    No Charge
    14. Sign Ordinance (Bound Copy) $10.00
    15. Zoning Verification Letter $50.00
    16. Parkland Dedication Fee Per Dwelling Unit $250.00
    Miscellaneous Fees
    1. Incident Report $4.00
    2. Accident Report $6.00
    3. Alarm Permit—Residential—Annual Renewal $25.00
    4. Alarm Permit—Commercial—Annual Renewal $50.00
    5. False Alarm Response—Per Response After Five False Alarms in a 12 Month Period $50.00
    6. Special Events Permits—Per Event $40.00
    Water Meter/Box Set Only—NO TAP
    1. ¾ inch Meter $400.00
    2. 1 inch Meter $500.00
    3. 2 inch Non-Compound Meter $600.00
    4. 2 inch Compound Meter $1,200.00
    Water Meter/Box AND Tap
    5. ¾ inch Meter $750.00
    6. 1 inch Meter $900.00
    7. 2 inch Non-Compound Meter $1,800.00
    8. 2 inch Compound Meter $2,500.00
    9. 4 inch Meter and Larger Tap Inspections
    Task performed by contractor under City supervision
    10. Relocate Meter—Per Meter Actual Cost
    11. Residential subdivision developer fee—Per residence $50.00
    Sanitary Sewer Connection Fee
    12. Sewer Tap Connection Inspection $100.00
    Miscellaneous Fees
    13. High Hazard Assemblies (Reduced Pressure Principle Assembly)—Annual Registration No Charge
    14. Backflow Prevention Assembly Test—Per Assembly No Charge
    15. Backflow Prevention Assembly Re-Test—Per Assembly No Charge
    To obtain a schedule of these fees and the structure of the charges in their entirety, refer to Exhibit E, Schedule for Collection of Water and Sewer Impact Fees for Haltom City and Fort Worth. (Haltom City Impact Fee) Ordinance Number 2002-011-16


    Fort Worth Water and Sewer Impact Fees
    Haltom City Current
    Building Permit Issued on or After
    4/1/2017 4/1/2018 4/1/2019
    1. ¾" Water Meter
    2. 1" Water Meter
    3. 2" Water Meter
    4. 4" Water Meter
    5. 6" Water Meter
    6. 8" Water Meter
    7. 10" Water Meter


    Description FY 2018
    O. Utility Billing:
    1. Fire Hydrant Water Meter—No Reading Penalty $200.00
    2. Late Charge Penalty (to be levied one day after due date) 10%
    Service Charges
    3. Currency and Coin Counting
    Bills ($1, $5, $10, $20, $100, etc.) per item when banded or bandable $0.009
    Coin rolls (Per roll) $0.09
    Bags of unrolled coins (Per bag) $4.00
    4. Account Initiation Fee—Per Account $0.00
    Account Transfer Fee—Per Transfer $20.00
    5. Turn on—Normal Hour $0.00
    After Hours Turn On (5:00 pm to 8:00 am. Monday—Friday or weekends and holidays)—Per Turn ON $25.00
    6. Jumper removal—Per Jumper $150.00
    7. Meter Lock—Per Incident $30.00
    8. Meter Re-read (Customer request). There is no charge if error is discovered—Per Re-Read $15.00
    9. Meter Pull—Per Incident $75.00
    10. Meter Tampering/Cut Lock—Per Incident $75.00
    11. Meter Testing Fee (Residential)—Per Test $75.00
    12. Meter Testing Fee (Other)—Per Test Actual replacement cost plus labor
      ¾" Meter $100.00
      1" Meter $175.00
      2" Meter $200.00
      2" Compound Meter $100.00
    13. Returned Check/Bank Draft—Per Check/Bank Draft Return $35.00
    14. Second Trip Turn On—Per Trip $15.00
    15. Cutoff Fee—Per Cutoff $30.00
    16. Warning Fee (Door Hanger or in Person)—Per Warning or Door Hanger $30.00
    17. Newcomer's List—One to ten pages No charge
      Eleven pages or more—Per Page (two sides count as two copies) $0.10
    18. Deposit—Exemptions Deposits shall not be required for accounts of the Birdville Independent School District.
    19. Deposit—Waiver If a business currently has an account at one existing location and the deposit has been refunded at the current account because the account has met all the requirements for a deposit refund, the business may open additional business locations within Haltom City without a deposit requirement on the additional business accounts. This includes irrigation accounts.
    20. Apartments (Commercial)—Standard Deposit (Refundable) Cash deposit equal to 1/6 th of the annual water bill based upon the immediate prior twelve (12) months of water usage. If prior twelve (12) months of history is not available then an average of 7,500 gallons per month, per dwelling unit will be used.
    21. Apartments (Commercial)—Letter of Credit (Refundable) A properly executed irrevocable letter of credit for an initial one-year period of time in the form prescribed by the legal counsel of the City that is automatically renewable for additional one-year periods. Said letter of credit shall be for an amount equal to the cash method described.
    22. Apartments (Commercial)—Credit Risk Deposit (Refundable) Total deposit must equal the amount of double the current standard deposit amount.
    23. Commercial Dry Goods (Refundable)—Standard deposit. If based on an average of the highest three months during the previous 12 months of water usage—The average water consumption is 3,000 gallons or less, the account will be classified as a "Commercial Dry Goods Account" and the current deposit amount in effect will apply. If the account exceeds 3,000 gallons for any three consecutive months, the account will be ineligible for Commercial Dry Goods Account status and will be reclassified to the classification appropriate in the circumstances and the new classification deposit will apply. $75.00
    24. Commercial Dry Goods—Credit Risk (Refundable) Total deposit must equal the amount of double the current standard deposit amount.
    25. Commercial—Standard Deposit (Refundable)—If based on an average of the highest 3 months during the previous 12 months of water usage, the average water consumption is 3,100—10,000 gallons of water, the account will be classified as a "Commercial Account" and the current deposit amount in effect will apply.
    Note: A commercial account is described in part (see Ordinance O-95-013-11) as a business(es) consuming less than 20,000 gallons of water per meter, based on an average of the highest 3 months in a twelve (12) month period for which consumption history is available.
    26. Commercial—Credit Risk (Refundable) Total deposit must equal the amount of double the current standard deposit amount.
    27. Commercial I—Standard Deposit (refundable). If based on an avg of the highest 3 months during the immediate prior 12 months of water usage, the average water consumption is 10,100—20,000 gallons of water, the account will be classified as a "Commercial I Account" and the current deposit amount in effect will apply. $260.00
    28. Commercial I—Credit risk (refundable)
    Note: A commercial account is described in part (see Ordinance O-95-013-11) as a business(es) consuming less than 20,000 gallons of water per meter, based on an average of the highest 3 months in a 12 month period for which consumption history is available.
    Total deposit must equal the amount of double the current standard deposit amount.
    29. Industrial—Standard Deposit (Refundable)—If the water consumption of the highest 3 months during the previous 12 months is 20,001—60,000 gallons, the account will be classified as an "Industrial Account" and the current deposit amount in effect will apply. $650.00
    30. Industrial—Credit Risk (Refundable) Total deposit must equal the amount of double the current standard deposit amount.
    31. Industrial I—Standard Deposit (Refundable)—If the water consumption of the highest 3 months during the previous 12 months is 60,001—100,000 gallons, the account will be classified as an "Industrial Account I" and the current deposit amount in effect will apply. $1,200.00
    32. Industrial I—Credit Risk (Refundable) Total deposit must equal the amount of double the current standard deposit amount.
    33. Industrial Plus—Standard Deposit (Refundable)—If the water consumption of the highest 3 months during the previous 12 months is over 100,000 gallons, the account will be classified as "Industrial Plus" and the current deposit amount in effect will apply. greater of $1,500 or 2 months average bill
    34. Industrial Plus—Credit Risk (Refundable) Total deposit must equal the amount of double the current standard deposit.
    35. Fire Hydrant Water Meter—Per Meter (Refundable) $2,100.00
    36. Residential—Standard Deposit (owner or renter)—Per Dwelling Unit (Refundable) $75.00
    37. Residential—Credit Risk (owner or renter)—Per Dwelling Unit (Refundable)
          after 1 force final standard deposit×2
          2+ force finals standard deposit×3
    38. Inspection—3 day deposit to enable customers to establish service long [enough for inspection] $25.00
    39. Sprinkler (Residential)—Standard Deposit (Owner or Renter)—Per Meter (Refundable) $60.00
    40. Sprinkler (Commercial)—Standard Deposit (Owner or Renter)—Per Meter (Refundable) $100.00
    41. Temporary (Two week maximum with curb only Trash Pickup)—Standard Deposit $50.00
    Sewer Rates
    42. Minimum Sewer Charge—Group A (100%)—Per Number of Units $10.80
    43. Minimum Sewer Charge—Group B (90%)—Per Number of Units $9.72
    44. Minimum Sewer Charge—Group C (25%)—Per Number of Units $2.70
    45. Consumption Charge—Per 1,000 Gallons of Water (Not including Sewer Surcharge) $3.56
    45.1 Consumption Charge—Residential/Commercial—Per 1,000 Gallons of Water (Sewer Surcharge included in this rate) $5.08
    Sewer Surcharge Rates
    46. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Rate per pound $0.45
    47. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Rate per pound $0.29
    Water Rates
    48. Minimum Water Charge—Group A (100%)—Per Number of Units $15.88
    49. Minimum Water Charge—Group B (90%)—Per Number of Units $14.29
    50. Minimum Water Charge—Group C (25%)—Per Number of Units $3.97
    51. Consumption Charge—Per 1,000 Gallons of Water $7.40
    52. Consumption Charge—Oil and Gas Well Drillers only—Per 1,000 Gallons of Water $15.53
    Stormwater/Drainage Rates
    53. Residential Charge - per customer account $6.81
    54. Commercial Charge - charge per square foot $0.00130


(Ord. No. O-2003-005-03, 3-24-03; Ord. No. O-2005-013-04, § 2, 4-25-05; Ord. No. O-2005-024-05, § 1, 5-23-05; Ord. No. O-2005-041-03, § 1, Exh. A, 9-26-05; Ord. No. O-2006-012-11, § 2, 6-26-06; Res. No. 2006-022-03, §§ I, II, Exh. A, 9-25-06; Ord. No. O-2007-009-04, § 2, 2-26-07; Ord. No. O-2008-024-11, § 1, Exh. A, 10-27-08; Res. No. R-2010-027-03, § II(Exh. A), 9-27-10, eff. 10-1-10; Res. No. R-2011-022-03, § II(Exh. A), 9-26-11, eff. 10-1-11; Res. No. R-2012-002-03, § II(Exh. A), 3-12-12, eff. 4-1-12; R-2012-025-03, § II(Exh. A), 9-24-12, eff. 10-1-12; Ord. No. O-2013-004-04, § 2, 3-25-13, eff. 3-25-13; R-2013-021-03, § II(Exh. A), 9-23-13, eff. 10-1-13; Ord. No. O-2014-033-01, § 7, 11-24-14; Ord. No. O-2015-023-01, § 4, 10-12-16; Res. No. R-2016-005-03, § II(Exh. A), 3-14-16; Res. No. R-2017-023-03, § I(Exh. A), 9-11-17; Ord. No. O-2018-010-01, §§ 16, 17, 1-22-18)